Research Grants for Healthcare Professionals

10 Research Grants for Healthcare Professionals and Educators

Why Apply for Grants?

Sometimes our writing and other academic projects require a little extra jet fuel: money. While we can always make an impact with cost-free writing, additional funding will often open new doors for our work. Here are some advantages to obtaining grants and other monetary awards:

Use research grants to obtain data

Grant money can help researchers obtain their data in many ways. It may help fund the logistics of a complex clinical study requiring paid professionals like physicians and nurses. It might be used as an incentive (such as cash or gift cards) to recruit research subjects. It may also be used to pay survey services to conduct a survey or to access large, pre-existing databanks.

Use research grants to hire help

Researchers can use grant money to hire consultants at various stages of the research, writing, and publication process. They may hire a research assistant to help with research protocols or to collect data. They may hire a statistician to help with data analysis. Or they may hire writers and/or editors during the draft writing and revision process. Grant funds can even be used to pay for open access publication fees. Of course, individual grants may have restrictions and the money should only be used in strict accordance with the rules laid out by the specific grant.

Use research grants to legitimize your work

Nothing speaks louder than money. Obtaining even a small grant says that a researcher’s ideas have enough legitimacy to warrant funding. This can help elevate researchers’ reputations and expand the reach of their voices. Even a small grant can help researchers obtain larger funds in the next phase of the awardee’s work.

Looking for a few new opportunities for funding? Consider some of these, especially if you are a PA or work in health professions education:

Research Grant Opportunities
for Physician Assistants/Associates:

The Breitman-Dorn Research Fellowship

Gives a $4,500 cash award for research focusing on the PA profession. Open Feb. 3rd to March 3rd, 2025.

The PA Foundation Global Outreach Grant

While is it not for research per se, this grant funds humanitarian work in underserved areas outside of the U.S. Open Feb. 3rd to March 3rd, 2025.

The AAPA-PAEA Fellowship

Funds up to 20% of a faculty member’s salary for research efforts. Opens April 2025.

The Don Pedersen Research Grant

Funds PA education and PA workforce research. Awards range from $10,000 up to $21,000. Opens March 2025.

PAEA Faculty-Generated Research Grants 

Provide substantial funding (up to $50,000) for sophisticated research studies focused on PA education, PA workforce, and other professional research questions. Opens September 2025.

PAEA Career Advancement Scholarship

Provides up to $2,000 to fund travel to national conferences to present posters and other scholarly work. Applications on a rolling basis, limit one per fiscal year.

health professions education grants

General Health Professions Education
Research Grants

AMEE Research Grant

The International Association for Health Professions Education (AMEE) provides this £10,000 (over $12,000) grant for healthcare educators to pursue a variety of research related costs and expenses. As a bonus, winners of the grant are expected to present their work at the AMEE annual conference (a wonderful and innovative conference I have personally attended), a great way to get an international speaking credit. Pre-applications close January 10th each year.

AMEE Faculty Development Research Grant

The AMEE grant provides £7,000 (almost $8,700) for health professions education research focused on faculty development. Pre-applications close mid-January each year.

AMEE Grant for Medical Educators working in Resource Constrained Settings (MERCS)

Awards prizes for, well, the name says it all. Applications are due March 28, 2025.

The ASAHP Research Grant 

Funds up to $30,000 for research focused on inter-professional collaboration. Application deadlines are May of each year.

Want more help with writing and publication? Download this free guide:

Download the First Five Steps to Publication for Healthcare Professionals

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